Sutton V.A. Primary School

Sutton Lower School

Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School

Welcome to Sutton VA Primary School  

 Our Mission and Vision Statement

To educate all children for life through inspirational, Christian focused teaching.

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Philippians 2:15

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The Staff, Governors and Pupils welcome you to our school website. We hope that you will find it informative, engaging and interesting and that it provides you with an insight into our ethos and values. We aim to share with you, the organisation and the feel of our school with information about our curriculum, Staff, Governors, Friends of Sutton School as well as up to date events, learning and activities. 



Sutton VA Primary is a successful, happy and welcoming school. We care deeply for our children; their welfare and progress. The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS), in their 2017 inspection stated ‘Pupils all enjoy school. They feel safe and attain well above the national average. Each child is known individually to all staff. Relationships are excellent and pupils enjoy opportunities to work in family groups or across the age range. Parents praise the school’s Christian character and family atmosphere.’

We are a popular and typically, oversubscribed school, attracting children and families from Biggleswade, Potton and the surrounding villages. Our provision for our pupils has a justifiably high reputation and consequently parents chose to send their children to our school from outside of their catchment area school. They are attracted to and support the strong values, Christian ethos and child centred approach which form the basis of our vision and aims.

We have 4 classes; a Reception Class, a mixed age Year 1 – 2 Class, a mixed age Year 3 – 4 Class and a Year 5 class. We complete our conversion to a Primary School from September 2025 with our first Year 6 Class. 

We enjoy strong, close links with All Saints' Church Sutton and the diocese of St Albans. Our pupils, from all faiths and none, benefit from the links we have and the opportunities we create to explore values, morals, faith and the time to reflect on what they and others consider important.

We provide a wide range of exciting learning experiences within our carefully planned, broad curriculum. Our school is positioned within in a wonderful setting where pupils have access to a range of outdoor areas within our grounds as well as easy access to local woodland. Staff consider outdoor and active learning to be beneficial to pupils’ physical, academic and mental wellbeing, as a result they seek opportunities to enable pupils to learn in a range of environments.

Children make good progress in all stages of the school, and the school is highly regarded. Typically, our results are above national averages. Further details can be found on our website.

Our school is well managed and has an established and excellent complement of teaching, non-teaching and administrative staff. Our Governing Body is active, supportive, experienced and committed to ensuring the school achieves its aims. Our school works within the BCUS Cluster of schools with whom we share expertise, resources and a shared vision for positive and smooth transitions between the phases of schooling.

Click here to read our  School Vision and Values statement.

Click below to watch a video prepared by Mrs Peaker showing our strong Church-School links

Lucy Chapman

Head Teacher       

Ofsted identified our Pupil's Behaviour and Attitudes and the school's provision for their Personal Development to be outstanding:

" Pupils really enjoy attending this small, friendly school. It is a close-knit community where everyone looks after one another. Pupils ‘live the school’s values’ through the kindness, respect and care they show for others. They are confident to share their feelings and opinions. They show respect for other cultures and beliefs and know why this is important. 

Leaders are ambitious for pupils in all respects. Pupils respond well to teachers’ high expectations. All pupils want to learn and do their best. They take part in learning activities enthusiastically and learn well across the curriculum. Pupils concentrate and listen attentively to others in lessons.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in and out of lessons. High expectations of behaviour are evident right from when children start school and join the Reception class." - Ofsted Inspection Report 14th and 15th September 2021

We are proud to have been awarded overall Good in this inspection. You can read the full report here.

"The distinctive Christian character of the school is woven through every aspect of school life and has a significant impact on the pupils’ attainment and behaviour." - Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report - 8th March 2017

We are delighted to have been awarded a SIAMS inspection grade of Outstanding. You can read the full report here